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  • Inês Souto Gonçalves

Card Reading - Work your Light

Hello, dear Earth Angel! As always, I hope you are well.

Today I felt guided to share a Work your Light Message. This message is timeless, so if you are here now, know that this is the perfect time to receive it!

Pause for a moment.

Ask for guidance and grace and open your heart to receive your Message of Light. You can choose Card 1 (Left), 2 (Center), and (or) 3 (Right).

Card Reading Work your Light - Choose a card
Card Reading Work your Light - Choose a card

Your Work Your Light messages are now available:

Card 1 - Akasha

Card 1 - Akasha

We all have the gift of accessing the Universal Wisdom of Creation at any time.

If you have chosen this card, your Light illuminates your path, bringing a confirmation sign and luminous support of strength, courage, and confidence.

Akasha is the multidimensional Universal Cosmic library of all Souls. It contains all wisdom and information related to soul contracts, history, personal and collective lessons and blessings, past, present, and future.

If you are reading these words, know and feel how your Being is ready to integrate your soul's deep wisdom contained in your Akashic records. This integration may reveal itself in the rediscovery of your most authentic soulful gifts and in the fulfillment and activation of some soul contracts (predestined encounters) that involve new and renewed relationships, people, and circumstances.

Trust your intuition and the signs you receive along the way.

Card 2 - Trust your Path

Card 2 - Trust your Path

Sometimes, It is easy to doubt or to feel confused about our Soul paths.

If you chose this card, your Light wants to bring you faith in yourself and your path, which is essential for the full materialization of the Miracle of Creation.

Feel and know how your path is part of the Whole and a fundamental part of the diversity of the human experience here on Earth.

Part of your mission on the Planet involves incarnating your Light and the steps your heart feels inspired to tread in the earthly material world.

If you are reading these words right now, trust in the immense power of your next step, however small it may seem. Let your Light guide you. Even if you don't see the whole path take the next step. Follow your heart, visions, and what you know is right for you. At the same time, trust the Universe and how It always loves and cares for you unconditionally.

Card 3 - Get grounded

Card 3 - Get grounded

As empathetic beings, it is sometimes easy to feel overwhelmed by the energies, emotions, and sensations of the world and others.

If you have chosen this card, your Light wants to inspire you to ground yourself to bring inner peace to your Being and deeper focus and intention in your life, which are essential to the fulfillment of your soul's highest Missions in this world.

One of the most empowering ways to get grounded is to spend quality time in Nature. Let yourself feel nourished through Connecting with Mother Earth. Allow yourself to receive Her gifts of purification, healing, and love.

If you are reading these words right now, know and feel that getting grounded is fundamental to your assertiveness and boundaries balance, both essential to your journey as a Lightworker here on Earth.

It was a joy to contribute! Sending you many blessings.❤️

With Gratitude,



Inês Souto Gonçalves

Hi! I am Inês.

Writer and Creator of Soulfulness, an online space for gentle and sensitive souls to unweave from the overwhelming 
rhythms and energies of the world and soften into their True Essence and Light while embodying and living the Divine 
on Earth.

You will love it here if you are a gentle and sensitive soul longing to soften into your true nature and essence, 
a deep-hearted soulpreneur or lightworker who feels called to slow down and share your gifts in a way that truly 
enlivens you, or an empath wanting to feel empowered in your unique way of being. 

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